Settlers of Catan
This is the Start Screen I painted.

This is the Start Screen I painted.

This image is what the game board looked like before I came on board.

This image is what the game board looked like before I came on board.

This is the game board after I completed the project. All assets and UI were created by me.

This is the game board after I completed the project. All assets and UI were created by me.

Here are the Resource Hexes. I wanted to give them as much dimension as I could.

Here are the Resource Hexes. I wanted to give them as much dimension as I could.

Here are the Resource Cards.

Here are the Resource Cards.

These are the Development Cards. The Creative Director wanted a sillygag in each of them.

These are the Development Cards. The Creative Director wanted a sillygag in each of them.

This is a pop-up for The Largest Army achievement.

This is a pop-up for The Largest Army achievement.

This is a pop-up for the Longest Road achievement.

This is a pop-up for the Longest Road achievement.

This is a pop-up for the Robbers.

This is a pop-up for the Robbers.

A redesign of Candamir. I had to stick with the original costumes.

A redesign of Candamir. I had to stick with the original costumes.

Redesign of Jean.

Redesign of Jean.

Redesign or Lin

Redesign or Lin

Redesign of Louis.

Redesign of Louis.

Redesign of Nassir

Redesign of Nassir

Redesign of Vincent.

Redesign of Vincent.

Redesign of William.

Redesign of William.

Settlers of Catan

With this project, I was asked to create all the art assets for a new version of Settlers of Catan that was being developed for a new, digital device. It was a short, 3 month project. The client wanted a fresh style that was more accessible and everything was approved by Asmodee. All the assets were created by me in an accelerated time table. Most of these were made in less than a day. I had a lot of fun with this project. It's unfortunate that the device never got past beta testing.

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